The entire campus planned as a zero discharge 'Green' campus was to be constructed on a steep hilly terrain within the existing old banyan, mango and silver oak trees. As a respect to the existing trees on site M:OFA took up a challenge of designing 200 rooms for the girls hostel and residences for the professors without cutting a single tree. Extreme care was taken during the construction by the executing agency DSIIDC and the M:OFA engineers and architects to not only protect the trees through a series of retaining walls but at times, the design of the rooms altered and adapted in order to accommodate the spread of the banyan and the mango tree branches.
Its a sheer joy to experience this wonderful play of nature and architecture, within multiple verandahs and terraces where, the design students would be able to work with nature surrounding them and the sweet tasting mangoes literally falling in their lap from the trees that surround them.
The second phase of the project is under construction which includes the academic campus, residences for the professors and the remaining Girls hostel.