Pecha Kucha is a unique style of presentation which makes it concise and fast paced giving a fresh perspective to peep into the world of Innovation.
At Manifestation: Of Fluid Architecture when the discipline of a chef gets fused with the sensitivity of an architect the flavors of expression becomes vivid and the combination is indefinitely extraordinary!
Food, today is more than just fuel. The chefs are no longer just cooks. Modern kitchens are now laboratories. From chocolates that pop in your mouth leaving the taste of roast bacon to molecular cocktails that explode into myriad flavors and textures all in split seconds, food today is a combination of art and science that is felt and absorbed by all our five senses simultaneously. This kind of food lifts the human spirit beyond the mundane into a metaphysical, much like the architecture of today.
My talk will cover food and design right from art to science : molecular gastronomy to 3D printing of modern food, food trends that rule the modern restaurants and the foodies, bring our everyday need of just eating to a level of trend setting.
A presentation on Modern Gastronomy by ‪Architect Manish Gulati‬ on 25th September 2015 at 7:00 pm at The Lalit, New Delhi.